MVPs for Friday October 20th

Ah - I know it’s been a good blogging week when I have been able to post daily, change my header photo, AND get to my MVP post! It’s GOOD to be back in the game!!

But this post isn’t about me - it’s about the wonderful bloggers out there who put out really great stuff - so without further ado - please enjoy visiting the Most Valuable Posts of the Week!

Suzanne Falter-Barnes put together an entertaining and enlightening chronicle of the Highs and Lows of her 7 years in Building an Internet Business. Part I and Part II.
Read. Learn from her victories and mistakes. Go create your own victories and mistakes! [Suzanne’s blog is one of my faves for getting inspiration and ideas to take my own business to the next level - check it out!]

For all of you Stay at Home Dads who visit regularly (and I know there are quite a few of you!!), Steve at InsideFatherhood spread the word this week that the 11th Annual Stay at Home Dad Convention is being held on November 11 in Kansas City, MO. It’s close enough to Chicago that I am even tempted to go!! (Thanks to Liz for letting me know about this great new blog!)
Pylones! Too Cool!!Thanks to Popgadget I have a whole new definition of the term “Eye Candy” - as evidenced by this unbelievably cute broom and dustpan set from Pylones. Wow…



And on the personal side of things, I have been a minor fan of the Dove campaign for beauty - until today when I decided to be a big fan of the campaign thanks to a post over at FunnyBusiness. Many years ago I used to weigh 50 pounds more than I do today - and I truly used to crucify myself while looking at photos of thin beautiful women in magazines. Go watch the the Evolution Video over at FunnyBusiness - I want to both laugh and cry realizing the crucifixion was all for nothing… ALL for NOTHING! (And, by the way, I love the way I look today, stretch marks and all! ;) )

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One Comment on “MVPs for Friday October 20th”

  1. katiebird Says:

    Well. I almost didn’t go to the Stay-at-Home-Dad page. I mean, what would I be doing there? But I trust you, Wendy — so off I went.

    And I’m glad I did! That convention is in Kansas City & I live about 10 miles away (and I work in KC, Ks) — I absolutely think you should come to the convention. And I’ll show you all the sites in Kansas City!

    And after about 10 minutes, we can go out to lunch or something. :)

    Seriously, are you really considering it? It would be wonderful if we could get-together.
