To my Readers Who StumbleUpon Me

I Luv! you when you grace me with a StumbleUpon link.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! :)

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3 Comments on “To my Readers Who StumbleUpon Me”

  1. TechZ Says:

    I stumbled upon your excellent site via the SOB network (thanks Liz!)

    This is the Abstrakt theme isnt it?

  2. eMom Says:

    Yep - sure is. I love it because it’s really well made and user friendly for someone like me who doesn’t know a shred of PHP. Kaushal Sheth comments the heck out of his code to help people like me understand what goes where. It’s like he puts signs up in all the right places saying “put this code here”. I love it! :)

    Liz rocks by the way - saw you were there recently at her brilliant comment night. Hope it was fun - I totally missed it!

  3. TechZ Says:

    I missed the comment night myself, mostly because its early AM during that time for me. I live in the Middle East :)

    I’m totally useless myself at PHP, but with a few professional coders help, I get along pretty well.
