PR Stunts and Free Stuff

I saw an email a few months back from one of the many internet marketing ‘gurus’ who was selling their new formula for instant riches online. I take it all with a grain of salt, but this one had a solid, great idea underneath it all - republishing public domain content. You can take content in the public domain, change it, or even leave it completely intact, sell it, give it away, whatever the heck you want. I think you can even claim you are the author, though I’m not quite sure about that one. No matter what, the content is here for all of us now, free to do whatever we want with it, including profit from it.

Joe Vitale caught on and is selling a book for $19 about Psychic Demand, basically an early text wrapping What the Bleep do we Know, The Secret, and Vitale’s own The Attractor Factor into a powerful text called The Culture of Courage by Frank Haddock. Included in this book is the material he is promoting called Psychic Demand:

“And if you who read these pages will but swing up to the white life harmony-plane, Health, Happiness and Power must be yours as surely as air rushes into a broken vacuum. If you ask, ” What are the limits of this truth?” I answer, “I don’t know.” To speak otherwise would be mere speculation. I affirm the great truth: All things are yours. That you, if stricken through and through with disharmony, may be able to receive all you crave, I may not affirm. Nevertheless, it is permitted to say: “Launch out! Launch out in the New Thought of Life, and receive, as you do so, whatever is rightly your own, as you are increasingly able to do so.”

And since this stuff is in the public domain, I can publish the material too - which I have. :)

You can download it here free if you are interested. The material is great, though his language is definitely dated (not surprising considering he wrote it in the early 1900’s).

I’m now trying to get the word out that I am giving away something for free that others are selling. I have no problem with others selling the material. It’s just that I need traffic more than I need dollars right now. I’ll track how I get the word out and publish my results here as they happen.

I already rank #2 if you do a Yahoo search on “Psychic Demand” (with the quotes). I’ve also put the word out to two groups I am a member of, one of which has 125 members, the other over 4000.

We’ll see what happens… stay tuned ;) .

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3 Comments on “PR Stunts and Free Stuff”

  1. The Everyday Economist » Blog Boost: Selling what is free Says:

    […] […]

  2. A. Nielsen Says:

    Aloha…I am participating in the LinkedIn Blog Boost of today, and thus, I came to your interesting site.

    So how “dated” does the material/writing have to be to be considered to be in the Public Domain?

    Blessings…A. Nielsen

  3. eMoms at Home » Blog Archive » Blog and Site Traffic Boosters - Part 2 Says:

    […] Referencing my previous post in regards to my eBook distribution experiment, I can say thus far it has been a success, creating problems I can only be happy to have. […]
