I Want One :: A blog of yummy wishes

A mom gift wishlist for tech-savvy, time-challenged, creative and business-minded moms.


To Make Cheap Kid’s Entertainment September 19, 2006

Filed under: Electronic Wants — Administrator @ 10:02 am
Sony Single Tray DVD Recorder - RDR-GX330

If your kids are anything like my kids, you HATE buying them DVDs - because within just a few short weeks [days???] the DVDs are scratched and ruined.

Paying extra for Comcast DVR was the best investment we have ever made - I haven’t bought a DVD since, and we simply record all of the latest movies released every week!

But then I thought about the times when we need to take the DVDs to a different place - like this weekend when we will be at a sales seminar and the kids will be spending lots of time in a hotel room with a sitter. NOW is the time we need a DVD recorder to grab the movies and make ‘em mobile!

Sony Single Tray DVD Recorder - RDR-GX330


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