A friendly place to find help & encourage one another |
On April 29th, this blog will be one year old. I’ve spent countless hours building this site into an inspiring resource for home based bloggers and internet marketers who want to take their business to the next level.
So what better way to throw a birthday bash than to create an opportunity for all of you to make more money, get more traffic, and have more fun with your online business?!
You may see some familiar resources to the left. The presenters at the recent Elite Retreat are offering up their expertise to help eMoms at Home readers celebrate and profit for the entire month of April!
This is not an ordinary blog, and these are not ordinary prizes. Every single prize will help you grow your blog or business.
- 5 copies of Joe Vitale’s book on Mastermind Group success Meet & Grow Rich
- A FREE copy of the #1 Ranked SEOBook donated by Aaron Wall
- A FREE Premium subscription EarnersForum donated by Lee Dodd
- A FREE ticket to SOBCon in May donated by Liz Strauss (I’m speaking there)
- A $500 Coupon off of an Elite Retreat ticket (Orlando in May, anyone?)
- The *Grand Prize* is a FREE phone consultation with Jeremy “ShoeMoney” Shoemaker and myself to talk specifically about how to grow your blog or business
- Special ‘SURPRISE’ prizes along the way - I have more up my sleeve!
Updated goodies from super-cool people ::
- A FREE copy of Awaken the Giant Within generously donated by the wonderful Kris Jones from PepperJam Marketing and Search. Thanks Kris! (this book seriously influences my success on a daily basis!!)
- A FREE year of SoloSEO do-it-yourself keyword optimization and management services. Thanks Michael! ($348 value and kicking myself in the butt because I’m not eligible to win this one, ack!!)
- A FREE copy of Eric Giguere’s eBook, Uncommon AdSense: Tips, Techniques and Strategies for Maximizing Your AdSense Earnings,
In other words :: Every few days, you can win something that will help you grow your business.
So what do you have to do to win an eMoms Birthday Party Prize?
- Every person who links to this blog in the month of April automatically:
- Gets the coupon code to get $500 off of an Elite Retreat ticket
- Gets entered to receive a copy of Meet & Grow Rich
- All other prizes except for the Grand Prize will be given away on an ongoing basis. So you had best subscribe to the eMoms feed or check in frequently so that you don’t miss these announcements.
- In order to win the Grand Prize consultation with ShoeMoney and eMom, you will have to subscribe to the eMoms at Home RSS feed (via a feed reader or via email) - the details on how to win the Grand Prize will only be announced to subscribers.
And to ensure you enjoy your time reading the content from this blog, the entire month will be dedicated to my absolute BEST content on growing your business, with additional tips and tricks from the Elite Retreat presenters themselves.
Lastly, I want to thank all of you for contributing to the success of this site - and I’m honored to share this special anniversary with you - you mean so much to me!
*The fine print: I reserve the right to add to or change this contest as long as it is congruent with the original prize values stated. You needn’t stay subscribed any longer than you want to, but you do need to be subscribed in order to win the prizes as stated. Links from Splogs won’t count. You must have a way for me to contact you on your site so that I can deliver your prize if you win, too.
If you don’t own a blog, but do have a web site, you can still post a link to this site to enter - just PLEASE send me an email with the link to your page, because Technorati won’t track it automatically.
This sounds like a lot of fun and beneficial to all! Happy Blogging Birthday.
That is awesome. And it sounds like fun.
I have a question tho. When you say “link to this blog during april” do you mean in a post, or can it be in a blogroll?
WOO HOO! I’m looking forward to winning…
“Mindful Entrepreneur”
Congrats Wendy! And what a great way to celebrate. I love giving things away on my birthday. And hey, I was just writing a post linking to you. Guess that means I’m going to Orlando in May… Well, we’ll see!
Nice contest Wendy! I’ve been meaning to put you in my blogroll anyway, and this gave me the kick in the pants to get around to doing it! Happy Birthday to your blog.
I also have the same question as Jenny as I was about to update ours anyway. Interesting to see how it works but Im sure it will be great for the site. Nice one wendy
Hunh. I thought I answered Jenny, but perhaps I got distracted mid-comment (wouldn’t be the first time that happened!).
A blogroll add is fine with me - as long as it shows up in Technorati as posted in April, because that’s the only way I can keep track of the submitted links.
What a great contest! I’ve added a link to your blog - hope it shows up in Technorati!
Modern Mami
What a good idea - they are some impressive prizes too. It can’t be easy to organise a telephone call with Shoemoney!
I just found this site and it’s exactly what my partner and I have been looking for - a site aimed at people getting started working from home, who happen to have little ones too!
Our Entrepreneurial Path to Online Riches
LOL, that is funny, I was referring to this post before I knew linking would get me hooked up with free stuff!
O hey Wendy! Thinking outloud, perhaps we can exchange free prizes for bonus points in the next stock contest, lol!! DEAL?!
Great idea for a b-day celebration! the 29th is a really good day - it’s my wedding anniversary.
Hi Wendy,
Gratz on hitting your first year!
Great contests with great prizes.
I’ll be announcing it on my blog too.
You know what would be funky?
Jeremy linked to your post from his blog.
What would happen if he won the consultation with himself?
I’m keeping my mind open to that prospect and looking forward to hearing about that consultation…!
Andrew - that is SO eerie, as I was literally JUST thinking the same thing!
I can see the headlines now…
“ShoeMoney Wins and Gets Sent Away for Talking to Himself”
Very cool Wendy! This has to be loads of fun! A month long birthday celebration. Just doesn’t get much better.
Congrats and well, I was already subscribed through Google Reader, but will sign up via email too. That’s the OCD in me wanting to make sure I’m really in the know! Ya know?
Happy birthday to eMoms at Home! I actually wrote about you today, but I didn’t include a link, as it seemed kind of “fan girl” of me. Maybe I’ll have to rethink that!
Great Contest and Prizes!
This is a pretty cool way to get more RSS subscribers. Thanks Wendy, for being so generous with the prizes as well
Maki :: Shhhhh… here’s my little secret. I think my readers give more to me than I do to them. That way I feel like I constantly have to catch up with them and give back more!
I linked directly to your site during elite retreat, from my blog here: (http://www.ppcreference.com/9/pepperjam-blogs-elite-retreat/)
Does that count ?
This is going to the birthday party of the year in the blogosphere…. Congratulation Wendy!
Happy Upcoming Birthday Wendy. World, meet Wendy - Web marketing genius extraordinaire. Wendy, meet world - eager congregation of willing disciples!
Can’t describe how cool this plan is, Wendy. Take this and run with it! Congratulations.
Easton, I was just thinking about you! Weird! My mind was wandering to our comment conversation last night - but you left before you could see my attempt at a pizza joke at your expense.
John, I’d like to be easy going about this and say yes. But then it opens up a big can of contest-ruleish worms in regards to others who linked in the past. So I have to say no.
Those are some good prices Wendy! Congrats on htting your first year.
This contest is genius! Good luck with it!
Great contest Wendy. I will be linking to it later this week.
All the best,
wow Wendy - now that i have been reading your site for sometime, i wish i had started a blog to be able to win something - although have you subscribed thru google reader for a long time
anyways, best blog with lots of great information.. very encouraging congrats on your success…and best wishes.
Don’t have the party without me!…
Trackbacks don’t work for me over here Weny
My Congratulatory post is here!
Hugz, Ponn
Great idea for a contest…I’ll gladly donate something if you’re looking for some more prizes.
Kathy, that’s a hard one! Maybe I’ll find a way to give away at least one of the prizes via a comment entry vs. a link entry.
Bill, just shoot me an email through the contact form with your proposed prize - it needs to be a product or service that will help people grow their business. And THANKS!
I just added you to my blogroll. Will also be planning to write up a review.
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday, dear eMoms,
Happy Birthday to you!!
(That’s my best singing ever!)
This is awesome! Congrats, Wendy.
All Best,
Oh, I’d wrestle a hippo to get to go to SOBCon… my post is in!
Thanks, Wendy!
I beleive I’ve linked to your site - I know nothing about technorati so who knows if it’ll count…my mind is boggled by all this…I am learnign more each day though!!
I would like to donate a sample of our cute, glow-in-the dark DOORKY(Tm) product to your contest. Winner can pick off of our web site & we will mail out to them or whomever they want us to mail it to, for instance if they use it as a gift. We sell these at Childrens Hospital Gift Shop, boutique at Harrahs Casino, Reno. We are in Arizona.