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Ah, there’s nothing like a good game of blog tag. And this time around, it’s a great meme in which we are sharing why it is that we are here in the first place:
Why Do You Blog?
I’ve been tagged my Mike Sansone, blogger extraoridinaire at ConverStations. He shares his reasons for blogging here - which are, not-very-coincidentally, similar to mine.
So why do I blog?
- I’m a connection freak - connecting with other people is one of my highest values in life.
- I’m all about adding value - I’m always asking myself - “What’s in it for my readers?”
- I love to share link love - it makes me feel all warm and toasty inside.
- I’ve been through a lot - and I hope that some of my lessons learned will make your lives a little easier. My life sure is now!
- I love this business - making money via blogging is extremely rewarding - so is helping you to do the same!
So, there are a gazillion bloggers I would want to hear from on this one. But because I have to choose only 5…
Jory Des Jardins :: Steve Johnson :: Danielle Wiley :: Neil Patel :: Blagica Stefanovski
Why do you blog?
Hey! Fellow Chicagoan here. Great blog, and great meme! I’ll have to pass it on…
Thanks Julie! Great to have you stop by. Hopefully you also saw this post - I’ll drop you a line when we get it together if you’re interested.
Why do I (read your) Blog? Because of your ‘others first’ attitude! Stay contagious.
Right back at ya, Mike! See you in May! [Shhhhhhhh!]
So I can’t pull together the most comprehensive response this second, but suffice it to say that I blog to stay sane. Wasn’t that a line from a movie? I doubt he said, “blog” though
Nice list. Wish I had read it earlier:)
Yeah, I think I was one of the first people tagged on this one - because you are probably the tenth person to tag me since this has been up!
Probably so. Thanks for sharing the link with me.
Thanks for the tag!
Nice job on the list.. I did one to, thanks to George tagging me. I can tell you put a lot of thought into creating your list. I love it when older posts jump out of their graves to live a second life… that is one thing that bothers me about blogging… such excellent content gets buried by new content. After it falls off our front, second and third page, then it falls into the hands of the search engine… which is fine, but still even your most devoted readers can miss stuff that was written months, years ago… I love visiting blogs and digging good stuff up!
Great point, Garry - perhaps I should do a weekly From the Archives series, eh?
I really believe that would be a good idea. People that put their blood, sweat and tears into their articles… the ones that put forth a lot of time, thought and effort, should re-bounce their posts from within.
One, there is no way that each post has the reach to span out to everyone who would benefit from reading the article, and two… sometimes even the people that did read the article, only skimmed over it because they had a baby crying in their hands at the time, or something to that nature! I do quite a bit of reading, and I don’t remember where I heard about this, I am sure you heard this too, but people typically retain only about 25% of what they read. So, by doing a weekly re-bounce of older articles would be a great thing for your site!
Another idea would be to write new articles that extend from an original one… something that touches more on a topic that you just skimmed over in the original and just reference back to the original article with a link included in the new one.
Your site is awesome and I am so glad that I found it… I can’t remember how I found it, if you visited my site and I found your through MyBlogLog or if I found you through another blogger’s site. Either way, I am glad to be here. I love your writing and your site!
OK - you’ve sold me on the idea Garry! Thanks for the feedback and I’m glad you found me (and I found you) too!!
Me too… honestly, just within hours of being here, I know that this is already one of my favorite places to be.
I visit a lot of blogs in a day, but there are only a few I can call home. This is one of them! Keep up the excellent work!
In the next few days I am going to cover an article all about your blog on my blog.
Can you do me a favor and drop me an email that gives me a brief bio about you and your blogging experience. Also if you can include a picture that you would like to share I would appreciate that and also, I wanted to know if I have your permission to take a few screenshots to use from your site as well. In the article I am going to give my readers the opportunity to get to know you more as a person and also discover how your site became a success… the screenshots are to give a visual aid for when I touch on how Perfect your site design is. And quite honestly, I don’t know if I have my blog design down 100% just yet, but the total look and feel of your site is a total inspiration on how I want my site to look. Excellent, Excellent work! I am very impressed! Obviously I am not a copy cat… but I can close my eyes and vision how I want my blog to look like and prior to visiting your site, I had absolutely no visual reference to my vision. This site is the closest to it.
On my blog, I want people to know the following things within the first 30 seconds:
What is the site about?
Who visits here?
What are their opinions about the place?
How Often do other visit/comment and share/contribute?
When I visit your site, I can answer these questions very quickly and I like the answers!
Best Regards,
Garry Conn
Good points Garry. I think maybe I need to make the answers to those questions even more visible on my site.
I like the idea of resurrecting archives. I think I will start a new regular feature, “Blast from the Past”. Thanks for the idea. Feel free to steal the name if you want. I haven’t trademarked it or anything:)
Of course, someone else probably has…
Garry - Can I ask you to send me all of that in an email? My brain is attached to Outlook and I might forget if I don’t have it in an email (though I will do my best to get it to you tomorrow!) Thanks for your super-kind words and you have made my day!
George - I like Blast from the Past! I’ll look forward to your own posts on the subject!