The Internet Home Business Magazine for Moms & Dads

A Warm Cup of Link Love


Link LoveI’m a little behind on link love (what’s new?!) and wanted to get caught up to share these fab resources with you:

If you get the Winter Blues (SAD) or have a history with depression, please go listen to yesterday’s WAHM Talk Radio podcast in which Kelly McCausey and I talk about how critical it is to actively maintain your happiness when you work from home. This winter has been especially dark around here and I broke down and bought a Happy Light today myself.

Lis Garrett interviewed me a while back on what’s it’s like to run a magazine style site, among other things.

Gary Conn released a WordPress theme that makes your blog look like Digg.

And for all of you who have a messy office (and probably don’t participate in Monday Motivation ;) ) MyFax is having a messy office contest. For reals.

And finally, the Slimy Corporate Move Award goes to Google for their fairly recently added Google Toolbar function. If you have spent time creating a custom 404 Error page to help people find what they are looking for if they used a broken link to get to your site, Google has taken the liberty of hijacking it and displaying their own 404 page that serves up their own results… and their own ads. (Edit, I’m wrong about them hijackng custom 404 pages, but there are instances in which they will still hijack your visitor if the page doesn’t exist, more about it in the comment thread here.)

Really, and I got penalized for selling a link to this site? Give me a @#$% break.

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    On February 13th, 2008 at 1:11 am, Joanne said:

    Thanks for sharing those links. Gary’s site looks interesting. :-)
    Joanne’s last blog post..Join Our Adoption Forums!

    On February 13th, 2008 at 5:20 am, Joey said:

    What?? :|
    It’s the first time I hear about the Google and 404 custom pages thing. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t happen all the time, this kind of stuff should be illegal. As well as penalizing you for selling links.
    You won’t get penalized if you use adsense,but you will if you sell a link? That’s rubbish.

    On February 13th, 2008 at 6:10 am, Sophia Levis said:

    I’ve got a love-hate thing going on with Google. I’m sure most webmasters and bloggers do, though.

    What kills me about Google is that they are so big, and so popular, that one little policy or programming shift can literally put people out of business (or put them in business, for that matter.)

    At any rate, I am of a mind that corporations are, by their nature, morally neutral. A company can’t be good or bad; those are terms that relate to human beings.

    For Google to say, “Don’t be Evil” is, really, just a marketing strategy that is ultimately going to backfire.

    Granted, some twerp behind a desk making dumb decisions at Google can be evil, but most of the time a corporation, if their organizational structure is sound, will weed those folks out, because they will ultimately hurt the bottom line.

    Sorry for the rant, I’ve been meaning to put some of those thoughts down in writing, and I figured someone else’s blog is the safest place to do it. ;)
    Sophia Levis’s last blog post..WAHMportunity for February 12, 2008

    On February 13th, 2008 at 7:41 am, David LaFerney said:

    It was bound to happen. Millions (billions?) of unmonetized 404 pageviews a day sitting there like a pie on a windowsill - it’s inevitable that someone would figure out how to ring some profit out of them. One more good reason to make a custom 404 page.

    If they aren’t hijacking custom pages that wipes a lot of the slime off of it though - don’t you think?

    David LaFerney’s last blog post..Triple your Potential Audience

    On February 13th, 2008 at 12:02 pm, Dana Lookadoo said:

    First, you have a fantastic site, a model for inspiration! Thanks! Found you thru

    Saw your comment on Google Toolbar and wanted to share. See Matt Cutts’s article:

    Summary: If you want users to see your custom 404 page, just make your page be more than 512 bytes long.

    I tested it, and it works!

    Suggested Toolbar: Try out Groowe Search Toolbar. I removed my Google toolbar in Firefox last month and have fallen in love with this Firefox enhancement.

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