The Results of Putting my Own Advice into Action = $$

Holy cow. I mentioned yesterday that I have removed more limiting beliefs in the last three weeks than I have in the last 3 years combined. Also, thanks to my NLP skills, I was able to bring a whole new level of clarity, intention and purpose to my values, including eliminating old inner conflicts and a complete overhaul of my priorities.

I really was doing well before I did all of this - I was making great progress towards my goals, enjoying life to the max, and was making a big difference in the lives of the people in my life.

But I was rather shocked - floored, even - to experience the results I have experienced recently by ‘fine-tuning’ my personal growth strategy.

I knew I had lingering limiting beliefs around money. Once removing those, I found that money simply wasn’t that important to me - I valued so many things more than it that a paycheck could come or not come - I didn’t really care either way (strange, I know, but true!).
I also have always made ‘contribution’ a very high value - and recently saw that it was working a bit to my detriment.

So with my new tools and skills in hand, I put a simple process into action and created a new set of values - one that served both a need for income AND a need to help and impact the lives of others.

The result?

Within 36 hours of making this values change, I already have a check in the mail (with a copy of the check request already in my inbox!!) for 150% more money than I have made in the last 6 months off of this site.

The beauty of it is that it wasn’t just my work that brought this into fruition - I can honestly say it was also the law of attraction at work. The law of attraction is something I have been working to master for over 10 years - and I tripled my income over that time, but the roadblocks I just mentioned were holding me back from going any further.

I’m amazed with the nearly instant results of putting the law of attraction to work now that my values and beliefs are all aligned. It took me a while to get here - but now that I get it - wow! Look out world!

More on this to come - and I’m thinking that this will be what I break out into a separate blog/business - but now I have so much paying work that I must cut out and get to work!!!

Yippie! :)

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6 Comments on “The Results of Putting my Own Advice into Action = $$”

  1. Steve Johnson Says:

    It’s uplifting to read of your breakthrough! I think a ‘breakthrough’ is something that all of us look for, but don’t experience nearly enough, and it’s inspiring when someone shouts, “YES!! I DID IT!” (not that you shouted, but you know what I mean).

    It would be interesting to know (if it’s not too personal) what limiting beliefs about money you had, how you identified them, and a little bit about how you changed them.

    p.s. hmmm…is “don’t experience nearly enough” a creation in itself?

  2. eMom Says:

    As far as the limiting beliefs are concerned, I considered adding them to this post, but yeah, they were a bit personal. I will likely share them somewhere else, because they had a lot to do with money, God and spirituality, and what we think the Universe wants for us… not really on topic for this blog. (Hence the seeds of yet another personal development blog!! ;) )

    I think most of them were pretty common limiting beliefs, and I had worked for years to get rid of them, because I knew they weren’t serving me. But I had another limiting belief in place that was kind of the mortar in all of the bricks. And ironically enough, I found that my limiting beliefs were indeed serving me, I just didn’t realize it. But once I was able to demolish the ‘big bad’ belief, everything else easily gave way (I say “easy” in a relative way - it was certainly not fun and I was highly uncomfortable throughout the whole process!!)

    PS Your PS is hysterical - and it just might be - what do YOU think??

  3. Steve Johnson Says:

    I think it probably IS a creation–especially after I asked myself if it was. How’s that for a think-about-that-for-hours concept?

    Thanks for telling about TLT. I will definitely look into it.

    There’s so much to learn…be…do…I need to wrap duct tape around my head so it won’t explode!

    Thanks again!

  4. The Law of Attraction - It Just Works Says:

    […] Wendy at eMoms at Home has been showing how the Law of Attraction works, and her recent experience with it. You can see details in her post on Becoming a Top Blogger Vs Building a Successful Business, and the follow-up at The Results of Putting my Own Advice into Action = $$. […]

  5. Belle Says:

    Wendy, I absolutely loved this post of yours. This past year I have experienced so much incredible joy and happiness, and it’s as you said - work on eliminating your negative beliefs and you’ll find yourself in alignment with your desires.

    I’m looking forward to reading more of your wows! here. I know they’ll be coming!

  6. eMoms at Home » Blog Archive » Kiddley, Dooce & Pronet :: You’ve Been BlogTipped! Says:

    […] The BlogTipping tradition? Pick three blogs. Say three great things. Offer one tip. I’m taking a more minimalistic approach this time, simply because life in eMoms-land is awfully busy these days! […]
